" My
Cosy Global
1. The positive quality of globalisation is that in the search
for the Centre you are not obliged any more to leave your
home. You do not have to "leave for Paris" or "leave for New-York"
as you did before. Thanks to the new technological and social
possibilities you can be global at home - in Moscow or in
2. At the same time as "global" or "central" at home - in
Moscow or in Ljubljana - you can avoid being drowned by local
or provincial (to say it in the old fashioned way) narrow-mindness,
dogmatism, personal envies and intrigues. Your belonging to
the Global would protect you, Global would give you a distance
and independence.
3. The more you are approaching Global and becoming familiar
with it - the more you are discovering that Global is structured
as something local. It is represented by closed circles of
people where you can find the same narrow-mindness, dogmatism,
personal envies and intrigues. In this case your belonging
to the Local - to Moscow or toLjubljana - would protect you,
would give you a distance and independence.
4. That balancing in between Global and Local would give
you a chance to build your self, to have you own way. Even
more - and that is the most important - it gives you a chance
to establish a system of transnational confidential connection
- which is the reference and the final destination of your
activity. That is, in fact, you own localised Global or globalised
Moscow. 25 of March 2001