Hruševska 66
1110 Ljubljana
tel/fax: +(386) - 01 - 542-56 85
e-mail: tadej.pogacar@guest.arnes.si, tpogacar@yahoo.com
Born: Ljubljana, Slovenia
Education: M.A. in Fine Arts, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
B. A. in Fine Arts, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
B. A. in Ethnology and History of Art, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Position: Director of the P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E. Museum of Contemporary Art.
Artistic director and founder of the Gallery P74, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Solo Exhibition
- Art Gallery, Slovenj Gradec, Slovenia; Tales of Two Cities (cat.)
- Art Gallery, Ravne na Koroškem, Slovenia; Tales of Two Cities (cat.)
- Appartment Nicklas - Spanke, Cologne, Germany; project: Home Stories (cat)
- Museum of Modern History, Ljubljana, Slovenia; Views on Exhibitions
- Gallery Škuc, Ljubljana, Slovenia; project: New Acquisitions of the P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E.
Museum of Contemporary Art II.
- Public Action, Ljubljana, Slovenia; Kings of the Street (cat.)
- Museum of Modern Art, Ljubljana, Slovenia; project: My Beautiful Home /with Joze Barsi/
- Ifa Galerie Friedrichstrasse, Berlin, Germany; installation: Two Masters (cat.)
- Galerie CULT, Vienna, Austria; installation: Short Cuts (cat.)
- Museum of Socialistic Revolution, Ljubljana, Slovenia; project: Art of History
Through the Body (cat.)
- Art Gallery, Slovenj Gradec, Slovenia; installation: West-side-Story
- Mala Gallery, Museum of Modern Art, Ljubljana, Slovenija; project: Copernicus´ House
- Gallery Loža and Gallery Meduza, Koper, Slovenia; project: Copernicus´ House (cat.)
- Gallery Krka, Ljubljana, Slovenia
- Gallery Miklova hiša, Ribnica, Slovenia
- Gallery Škuc, Ljubljana, Slovenia; project: New Acquisitions of the P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E.
Museum of Contemporary Art I.
- Galerie CULT, Vienna, Austria; installation: Department of Geography
- Gallery ZDSLU, Ljubljana, Slovenia; installation: Department of Geography
- Rotovž Gallery, Maribor, Slovenia
- Gallery Equrna, Ljubljana, Slovenia; Titanic
- Stil und Bruch Gallery, Berlin, Germany; Four Continents
- Cultural Center Ivan Cankar, Ljubljana, Slovenia; Dark Continent
Selected Group Exhibitions
- Museum of Modern Art, Ljubljana, Slovenia; U3, 3rd Triennale of Contemporary Slovene
Art, curator: Gregor Podnar (cat.)
- Contemporary Museum, Baltimore, USA; SNAPSHOT , curator: Gary Sangster (cat.)
- Hamburger Bahnhof, Berlin; After the Wall (cat.)
- Ca del Duca, Venezia, Italy; artisti.giovani@sloveni.si, curator: Aurora Fonda (cat.)
- Ludwig Museum, Budapest, Hungary; After the Wall (cat.)
- What, How & for Whom? On occasion of 152th anniversary of the Communist
Manifesto, Zagreb, Croatia (cat.)
- City Hall Gallery, Limerick, Ireland; Friends and Neighbours, curator: Rosa Martinez (cat.)
- Museum of Modern Art, Ljubljana, Slovenia; Worthless (Invaluable),
curator: Carlos Basualdo
- Gallery Škuc, Ljubljana, Slovenia; The Taste of City
- Moderna Museet, Stockholm, Sweden; After the Wall - Art and Culture in
Post-Communist Europe, curator: Bojana Pejić (cat.)
- Gallery Škuc, Ljubljana, Slovenia; It´s Comfy
- Casa des Artes, Vigo, Spain; New Paths (cat.)
- ZMNK Adlershof, Berlin, Germany; Observer/Secret Services (cat.)
- Buechenhausen Ausstellungsraum, Innnsbruck, Austria; Private (Praxis) (cat.)
- Equrna Gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia; Manneristic Visions: Slovenia and the Future of Art
curator: Paul Crawther
- Gallery Škuc, Ljubljana, Slovenia; Do It ! (cat.)
- Ujazdowski Castle, Warshaw, Poland; Cartographers
- Ernst Museum, Budapest, Hungary; Cartographers (cat.)
- Art Pavilion, Zagreb, Croatia; Cartographers (cat.)
- Museum of Modern Art, Ljubljana, Slovenia; U3, curator: Peter Weibel
- Manifesta 1, Rotterdam, Netherland (cat.)
- Museum Bochum, Bochum, Gemany; The Collection of the P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E. Museum,
Slovene Art of the 90´s (cat.)
- Mucsarnok, Budapest, Hungary; The Collection of the P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E. Museum,
Slovene Art of the 90´s (cat.)
- Galleria Civica d´Arte Moderna, Bologna, Italy; Forma Eterna,
curator: Nadja Zgonik (cat.)
- Galerie M, Spittal an der Drau, Austria; Forma Eterna (cat.)
- Neue Galerie, Graz, Austria; Pittura - Immedia, curator: Peter Weibel (cat.)
- Mucsarnok, Budapest, Hungary; Pittura - Immedia (cat.)
- Galerie Maerz, Linz, Austria; TransAlpin (cat.)
- Museum fur angewandte Kunst , Vienna, Austria; Kunst Wien 95
- Art Center, Poprad, Slovakia; Laboratorium (cat)
- National and University Library, Ljubljana Slovenia; Urbanaria I. (cat.)
- Marburg, Germany; Von uns Aus, New Art from Slovenia 1970 - 1990 (cat.)
- Centro Friulano Arti Plastiche, Videm, Italy; Intart´94 , Una lettera per la pace
Grants and Awards
- New York Atelier Grant, Ministry of Culture, Ljubljana, Slovenia
- Grant of Ministry of Culture, Ljubljana, Slovenia
- Grant of Ministry of Culture, Ljubljana, Slovenia
- Soros Center for Contemporary Arts Grants, Ljubljana, Slovenija
1997 - Cultural Community of Ljubljana Grant, Ljubljana, Slovenia
1996 - Open Society Fund Grant, Ljubljana, Slovenia
1994 - Grant of Ministry of Culture, Ljubljana, Slovenija
- Soros Center for Contemporary Arts Grants, Ljubljana, Slovenija
Curated projects
- Through the Glass - Young Hungarian Art, Skuc Gallery, Ljubljana, 1995
- For the Quality of Life, Gallery P74, Ljubljana, 1997
- This Town is Not Big Enough for the Bouth of Us, Vrabic & Kariz,
Gallery P74, Ljubljana, 1997
- BIOTOP /with A.Pirman/, Gallery P74, 1997
- The Taste of the City /with Igor Zabel and Gregor Podnar/, Gallery P74 and
Skuc Gallery, 1999
- I Touch Myself, Galerija P74, Ljubljana, 2000
- Painting 70,90 Revision, Gallery P74, Ljubljana, 2001
